Alla prima sketch of and eye (5x7") + video


"Strokes carry a message whether you will it or not. The stroke is just like the artist at the time he makes it. All the certainties, all the uncertainties, all the bigness of his spirit and all the littlenesses are in it." - Robert Henri. "The Art Spirit"

Hello Steemit!

In this post I would like to share my proccess of alla prima oil painting sketch. I do a lot of small ones like this for the sake of practice - it is fast, you spend less paint and panels are tiny (and cheap, yay!) and it is good for portable studio setup which is my only choice for the last 6 monthes since I travel and carry all my stuff with me (traveling with oil painting gear and materials deserves a dedicated post).

But most important goal of such practice is that I learn how to use my brushes, each time I hone my skill mark by mark and direct painting forces me to make decisions. It also provides a lot of fun (SPOILER: unless you fail and wipe everything off, I know this feeling well ¯_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯)

Hope you like it!


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