My First Steemit Post - Freddy Krueger Redesign by artist Gary Bedell

My First Steemit Post

Freddy Krueger Redesign by @artistgarybedell!

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I recently heard a rumor that Kevin Bacon could be...possibly...kind of interested in taking on the role of Freddy Krueger, one of my most favorite cinematic psychos, in New Line’s purported upcoming remake. As a fan of both Mr. Bacon and the Elm Street franchise, the inkling was enough to get my wheels turning...and you know how dangerous that can be.

I started noodling around with concepts for Freddy’s character design, as seen through my own particular filter. While drawing inspiration from previous versions of the character and the countenance and physical stature of the Bacon-ator, I knew I wanted my version of Freddy to be a bit more ghoulish and corpse-like than his predecessors, but still retain some of the basic elements that give Freddy his flair. I felt like I needed to “Make Freddy Scary Again” (how’s that for a political slogan?) I wanted to make the character even more difficult to look at by adding more tissue decomposition and disfigurement. I also added a rather crudely made prosthetic arm that is just a bit too big and is fashioned out of old metal scraps attached to a carved-out wooden plank, rather than the traditional glove with blades. Of course, I kept the stripes! Some things just don’t need to be tampered with.

Basically, I wanted to maintain the mythology of Freddy Krueger, while also having some fun putting my own spin on things. I’m pretty happy with the results.

HUGE Shout Out to @sykochica @winstonwolfe and @giftedgaia !!

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