Alien Invasion - A painting I made for @suesa's story 'Stranded'

Hello everyone!! Today I am gonna share an artwork that I have made for @suesa's story - Stranded. It starts with an alien who got stranded on the earth after a crash landing.

Not gonna spoil it for you, go and check this awesome sci-fi story HERE. :D


So, about the artwork - It depicts the invasion of one alien species, the splerions (well suited name for this rogue species, thanks to @tarazkp) on the planet of another intelligent alien species but not as strong to withstand the attacks like this.

Here is the scene:

Alien Invasion


I am not a great painter, not even a painter yet if you ask me haha. I just color things and add some shades and tints and don't think much about the technical aspect like pro painters do but I got this pretty alright here (although few things look like comic art to me).

After finishing this painting, I wanted to work on few more things that needed fixing but my PC was lagging so much so couldn't make the changes ;((

The unlucky one


I don't know why but my first attempts mostly fail :D. When I started working on these characters, the first designs I got were looking too human like.

Without color


The Splerions are insectoids and they were looking like 'a human in some insect costume' and the other species is soft and cute looking creatures and what I came up with was a strong gargoyle like creature.

Suesa gave me the idea about how she sees these characters in the story and I worked on the idea and the characters turned out pretty good for the story. And many thanks to her for thinking these characters coz I like these characters so much that I imagine about animating them, everyday and how would they move and fly in 3d :D


My favorite of all :))

I had to think a bit about the Splerions poses as it was so easy for me to make them look awkward coz the front legs of this creature were giving an impression of an alien sitting on an invisible chair "D. For the flying ones, I decided to change the position of the front legs and made the character look a little humanoid.

For the hind limbs, I drew them as if they are kind of folded in by the creature to keep the good balance. I was thinking about the birds while drawing the hind limbs. Like birds used to fold the legs up a bit while flying. I implemented it and it turned out pretty well.


Another flying guy.

I made this first then made the one above it using the same lineart. I like former the most so I am posting it first :)). Right now to me, this guy looks like - looking at the other flying guy, thinking about his old days how he used to be so enthusiastic about invading other planets and now that he has done it countless time, its no fun anymore. He didn't even want to come. LOL :D

Some more characters


I was not focusing on detailing the characters who are far away from the main characters and I was worried about the deadline so I maintained a level of detail with the background stuff. The grass is all green in these images as I painted it green first. My plan was to paint the generic grass then color adjust.


There are so many things that need fixing so I will be fixing the drawing once I update my PC or redraw the complete scene just for my satisfaction. In the next few posts I will be sharing the fail concepts and the process of the painting. For now I am thinking about sculpting these characters, especially The Splerions. Lets see how it turns out :D

Thanks for the read fellas. I would love to know your opinions, suggestions or ideas about the artwork. :))

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