ARTISTS I ADMIRE - Part 4 - Lois van Baarle

Artists I Admire - Part 4 - Lois van Baarle

I'd like to share some artists with you that I admire and that have inspired me. All the artists have completely different qualities and styles and I'll tell you about what it is that I like so much about their work. The fourth one up is Lois van Baarle A.K.A. Loish!


The fourth artist I would like to share with you is Lois van Baarle, a Dutch girl just like me! I love her colorful character designs and the wonderful use of color in het artwork. Loish style is so recognizable. I really admire it when artists develop a style that is so easy to recognize.


What I like about her work

What I like about the art of Loish is her style and her understanding of human anatomy. Only when you have a full understanding of human anatomy, you can stylize the way Loish does. You can see influences of Art Nouveau in her work, her bold linework and sometimes the muted tones she uses in some of her work.



Of course I'm proud we have such a great talent in the Netherlands! It is always a joy to see new work of her.


All the images in this post belong to Lois van Baarle

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