DIY Paper Flower Spider Mums

Here's my second DIY project of the day: paper flower spider mums! This is so easy; you can make these with your kids.  :)

We need colored paper, scissors (preferable shredding scissors), wooden barbecue sticks, a pen, and glue or scotch tape.

First, cut thin strips into the colored paper, but do not cut all the way down. Leave at least an inch of paper uncut like in the picture above. 

Once it's all cut, gently roll the colored paper around the barbecue sticks--one sheet on each stick, like above.

Take the green colored paper and wrap it around stick, starting at the base of the paper flower. Proceed downward, wrapping it around the entire barbecue stick.

After that, make some leaves from a green sheet of paper, like those in the picture above.

Glue them onto the base of the flower.

Tadaaaaaaa! Paper flower spider mums. I hope you enjoy making flowers with me. :)

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