Sunflower Paper Tutorial

Sunflower paper is knocking on your door! DIY for today, i'll help you to make a sunflower paper.

We need colored paper, scissors, and glue.

Take the yellow paper, cut 24 pieces of petals and 2 pieces of circle, then cut halfway the height of the petal.

Now, glue the top to bottom; with the slight overlap. Then take the yellow circle and then glue the petals into it, like the picture above.

After you glue all the petals it's going to look like the picture above, now cut four pieces of brown paper size is 8 x 2.9 inches, and the black paper size 8 x 1.5 inches to make a center.

Now, cut the papers like the picture above, and then first take all the black papers and roll it.

After rolling the black, next is the brown paper repeat the process with the rest of the strips.

After you can make your center wider by pressing the strips. Then glue it to the flower.

Tadaaaaaa! Sunflower paper is finish! I hope you enjoy making the flower with me ;)

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