I have taken up painting - portraits of my youth

I find myself reminiscing lately about simpler times and old friends. I have a lot of free time on my hands - I honestly don't have to do anything to tempt mortals into selling their souls anymore. You poor fools are willingly corrupting yourselves and your planet and literally killing each other in your hurry to ensure eternal damnation, on a scale that even I (always known as a big dreamer) could never have imagined.

Of course I approve of this in a general sort of way, but when it comes right down to it I am rather bored. So I have taken up painting. I find putting brush to canvas and bringing to life scenes from my youth allays some of the ennui that I am experiencing.

This may sound strange coming from the Prince of Flies but I am actually a little shy about showing my work to others. I have been known to gouge out the eyes of onlookers, or at the very least send a plague of flies after them, when I am working on my paintings. My therapist says it is important that I expose this vulnerable side of myself, she believes it will help me shake out of this funk that I am in. With that in mind I invite your honest feedback and criticism. Don't hold back just because I might turn you into a demon - that hardly ever happens anymore anyway, and if I was going to turn anyone into a demon it would be Shane. Because it is all Shane's fault.

Without further ado - my art:

Spring Break 1337

Belphegor (old friend)

Game of Beat the Weak

Belphegor - portrait 2

Oni (old friend)

I am particularly pleased with how the colors turned out here:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column