Colossal EOS ART competition / 400 Steem total reward


For more information about EOS, please visit

For anyone interested, here is the competition brief;

Please produce an image that represents EOS as a colossal sleeping entity that is on the verge of awakening and/or rising up. If your entity can incorporate some of the awesome characteristics of EOS's technology then all the better. Your colossus may take any form you like, with or without being set among surroundings. What is important is that the entity conveys it's colossal nature.

The EOS symbol (not the word EOS) must appear somewhere in the image.

Finally, the simpler the image, the better.

Competition rules;

I will decide the winner approximately this time next week. As always, I will try to incorporate community feedback into the decision.

1st prize will be awarded 250 Steem.
Two runners up will be awarded 75 Steem each.

Total prize fund of 400 Steem.

The rights to ownership of entries that win prizes will pass to me....I think clarity at this point limits the possibility for misunderstanding.

Please could you make your entries in your own post with the title "EOSART Competition - Colossus"

Please also put a comment in this post with a link to your entry post. Thank you.

I think this is a very difficult challenge, I'm excited to see what Steemit's artistic community may produce. Best of luck!


Happy Steeming

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