Welcome to my wonderland

Somehow over the past three years I have gone from starting a small design label to also running a Recycled Gallery boutique in my home town. I stock work in this gallery from over seventy local artisans. This blows me away, considering I opened the doors with only my creations and the work of three other people. 

The Recycled Gallery has expanded in a gorgeous eclectic fashion to include recycled craft materials, clothes, furniture and interesting old wares. 

It is a fascinating fluid mix of product, inspiration and joy. 

I feel lucky to be able to draw so much inspiration from my own shop space and blessed that I am able to share this inspiration with my community. A customer the other day told me the loveliest words about my shop. She said 

it is homely, light and connected, humble but beautiful. 

It is truly incredible to witness something you create, take on a life of its own and grow organically. 

Life as a shop keeper is busy and this busyness can be distracting but creative minds never stop and somehow we always find a way to carve out time for artistic pursuits. This is where Pattern Pirate comes in. 

As a textile artist I am a collector (hoarder really) of vintage and retro fabric from around the world. I use it to make dreamy scarves. 

Recently this deep love for textile pattern has infused magically into my digital photography. I call this fusion 'Pattern Pirate.'  My digital art is a side project for now, a creative outlet that I treat differently to my creative business but the inspiration for Pattern Pirate comes from the delicious amazing gorgeous patterns that come through my shop door. 

Until next time, 

xx Isabella

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