Help me identify this creature?

Hi Steemit for the life of me I cannot figure out what this is. I was minding my own business farting around on the computer when my vision blurred for a moment and I became aware of a ringing in my ears. For the last few days it has felt like I had water in my ear but I have not been able to get it out. Suddenly I felt something kind of sloosh out of my ear and this strange creature plopped out onto the kitchen floor. Before I could even think I had stomped on it. I am pretty sure it is dead now. For a few moments pulses of light radiated out across its translucent flesh but then they died down and it just lay there motionless.

Needless to say I was pretty freaked out, and I am only growing more worried because I have had no luck whatsoever identifying what the heck this thing is. I took a picture of it and I am really hoping you can tell me what this is!

Do you think I should maybe call my doctor? I read online that Neem oil may help in situations like this as well. One source said I could use a neti pot in my ear, but that doesn't sound right, does it? It really isn't very big so I am hoping there is nothing to worry about. Here I put a quarter next to it for scale:

Here is a close up:

Alien Creature created by moi in PhotoShop made almost entirely from sections of this jellyfish (copied, pasted, twisted, resized, faded into each other with layer masks, pushed, tickled and cajoled), with a minimum of PhotoShop painting as well. I created this image and associated short story as an entry in @juliakponsford's awesome Art Explosion contest- this week's theme was "Aliens" :)

Bloodbelly Comb Jelly

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