The women from the street....."MAYA" (earnings from this post will be used to feed homeless) #painting 07

Meet her she is Maya !! Just after 6 years of marriage her husband ran away with all her jewelries leaving her with one 3 years old son . She though was uneducated she decided her son shall not meet the fate as of her , She took 4 jobs cleaned houses sold newspaper at daytime , ran a tea shop at evening and sold vegetables at night !! when the kid grew up successfully she saved money to send his only son to an engineering college . uneducated and 70 years old now , his son has a 40k salary one house a wife and a son and he also has thrown Maya on streets . I always would pass through the street smoking ignoring her when she would ask for money , I would not stop ! one day when it was raining and i stood for cover near her she told me about her story (sadly i had no money that day) ! but I took a picture of her (painting is from that picture) .
After three days when I again went on the street deciding I would give her 100 buck she was no where to be found ,asked around only to know she passed away while sleeping on the street !! I lost a part of me that day ....I could have helped her maybe I could have done something ,just a few bucks ! I did not!! your little help may make someone day may save someones life may feed someone's kids ! save a maya while there is It will haunt your human for the rest of your life!!

watercolor on paper
and a 5 rupee real coin in her bowl (which I should have given)
I will post another blog showing where the money from this post's earning went

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