You see light in darkness.....and darkness seeks light in me (creativecomp entry ) !! #painting 06

Burying guilt beneath the lies !
Evil pours out of him on a roll of dice!!
Worships darkness ,evil is his cry !
Sitting in darkest alley he wonders why ?

Shadows from light,darkness he seeks !
Haunting his prey,his intention reeks !!
I can run from the devil, till light I can see!
I can not hide ,Cause that devil is within me!!

charcoal and white pastell.jpg
Inspiration :- another nightmare where I was running from something evil ....I ran for miles and when I reached a safe house and saw myself in mirror in my reflection I could see ,that evil was me that I was running from!!

charcoal and white pastel (colorless painting)
on brown paper

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