Examples of innovative stop motion on a budget I am using to inspire my students tomorrow

Hi Steemit!

tomorrow I teach a class to the second year animation students at the university I will be working for. I was asked today to prepare a lecture for tomorrow morning that would engage and assist the students with their choices in the second year.

Many students can be put off from stop motion because of the costs involved in buying armature (metal puppet skeleton) and various other materials. I decided to gather a few examples of stop motion by animators who create work quality work to a tight, minimal budget.

Malmo Festival – Stop motion films

Stop motion Christmas Card
By Bas Manders

By Kelli Anderson

Bust this. Bust that. (Animation tests)
By Remi Chambran

I hope you enjoy these pieces as much as I did and please note every film has been credited.

Thanks for watching

Charlotte :)

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