This train and sunset has to be one of the best I've ever caught, it was a beautiful day and ended with
a gorgeous sunset with a incredible train track to go with it! RVA has so many places to photograph and
trains are always in the background. The city is filled with many trains yet most downtown tracks
are up high on bridges. They are incredible and so powerful to be around. I've been fascinated with trains since I was
little. I've only been on the metro in DC. but I would love to get one of those suites and hop on a train anywhere, that would be so fun! Every time I pass a train track or big train yard I always whip out my phone to try to capture something, anything! It's nice to be able to look at what you experienced.

File Jul 01, 7 49 51 PM.jpegTrains are fascinating, powerful and beautiful. They date back long, long ago as well.
The first recorded one was in 1795, in Boston, MA.
I love railroad tracks period. The trains are awesome as well, much like this one going through Downtown Richmond, USA while I am taking this shot from a beautiful little park at the river called Great Shiplock Park. I love the way trains are designed to move. It is definitely a favorite thing of mine to watch, pass the time by. Sometimes I daydream on what it would be like to just hop on one, never look back. That is like a typical scene out of a movie. I do love a good movie so maybe my fondness of trains came to me that way.

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I find something grand about trains, even ones carrying coal such as the one pictured
here. Railroad tracks alone are marvelous at the right angle. Walking along the train
tracks today still reminds me of the movie Stand by Me. That was a great movie, I loved the train scene, lol!
This is in Richmond, VA USA, near Byrd Park and Boulevard Bridge.

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A Richmond, VA railroad track on the East side of RVA.
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A night train strolling through downtown RVA in the heat of night.

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