Love Me, Please? Stencil Acrylic Painting & the Reason I Don't Own Pets

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I don't have pets, be it dogs or cats. Don't get me wrong. I love animals, it's just that I don't want to keep them. Why? To own a pet is a full time responsibility. It's a commitment. Home pets rely on their humans for their well-being for the rest of their lives. And this is the responsibility that I am not willing (or not ready) to take.

This is my conviction: if you want to keep a pet, be responsible for it. Take good care of it. Spay it, vaccinate it, spend time with it, love it. In short - love comes with responsibility. If you can't commit to this responsibility, just don't.

See, things are often done differently in the third world.

People have pets but they don't give proper care to them. Sometimes they caged their pets or leave them outside - not spayed or vaccinated. The cats and dogs are left to roam wherever they want. Because they are not spayed the strays population becomes uncontrollable. And they catch diseases from strays too. Diseases such as rabies. And the rabid dogs/cats may bit their owners and without vaccination and immediate care, the owners may die a couple of months after being bitten.

Why am I sounded so bitter?

Because I am.

I am upset with these irresponsible pet owners. They said they love animals and yet they don't take care of their pets properly! These people shouldn't be allowed to keep pets unless they can prove that they are committed in giving top-notch care for their pets.

And that is why I don't have pets. Not because I don't love them but it's because I can't guarantee I can give them love and care they fully deserved.

See that painting up there?

It's a painting of a very sad bull dog. It is sad because its owner doesn't care and love it properly. Its eyes are begging for attention and understanding. If it can talk, it certainly say those very words, "love me, please?"

This painting is a part of a series of dog paintings that I am currently working on. You can read about the first painting here: SAC: What's Up Dog Stencil Acrylic Painting . I hope to put up these paintings for sale on soon. Anyone interested? All sold paintings will come with 4 free coloring postcards (line art by me) :)

Here are the progress photos...








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