My Coloring In Stuff And Whining A Bit About Life


When I couldn't make time to drawing portrait or painting, I would feel restless as if something is missing. The habit of doing art every day is so deeply rooted in me that I must attempt something no matter how sick or tired I feel.

For the past couple of days, I did some coloring in because I was too sick and tired. I had biliary colic on Christmas day and spent the day at the hospital. And today I had an appointment at the hospital to set the appointment with a general surgeon. I know it doesn't make sense but yeah that's how it is if you are broke and had to seek treatment at the public hospital. They kick you all over the place like a ball. I waited for 3 hours just to meet the doctor and only to be told by her to go immediately to the Surgical Clinic to make an appointment with the specialist. She didn't even examine me and the whole interaction took place less than 5 minutes. I was livid but I am not the kind of person to shout at others in anger and disappointment. So I smiled and said thank you. She apologized but it wasn't her fault. She was surprised the A&E department sent me to her and not directly to the Surgical Clinic.

I wasted 4 hours of my life for a very incompetent people and outdated procedure.

Anyway, I managed to make an appointment to see the specialist and typical for a public hospital it was set a couple of months from now. I guess the queue is very long. I have to wait for a couple of months before they decide when I can do the surgery. I don't think I can wait that long. I discussed it with my husband. If I managed to save MYR4000 (approximately US$980), I would seek treatment at a private hospital. So I guess to make it happen, all my Steemit earnings moving forward will go to my surgical fund. I have a medical insurance but the fund will go toward the 10% of the total fee that I need to pay myself (co-insurance) and for basic needs. I have asked at the hospital and the average surgical cost is MYR10-12K (approximately US$2452 - US$2942).

I know some people had said to me not to go for the surgery, that the stones can be dissolved or the symptoms can be managed by eating a low-fat diet.

Please don't sway my decision. I have made my mind that I want this surgery. Period.

But I agree on cutting down on fatty food to manage the symptoms. I have been cutting down on fried and fatty food slowly but it wasn't enough. I have to be very vigilant on watching what goes through my mouth. And that means - no takeaways, refined starch, butter, cheese, biscuits, sweets, pork, red meat, seafood except fish. I need to survive on whole natural food prepared from scratch only.

This post is supposed to be about my coloring in but somehow I 'highjacked' it and whined about my miserable life instead LOL. If you are reading this far - THANK YOU! You are sweet.

Anyway, I am gonna show off some of my old colorings in; some are horrible and some are good - just like life.

The Horrible Ones



The Good Ones





The final one was published in The Star newspaper (paper version) sometime in October 2016. Yeah.

Thank you for visiting!

My previous posts:

I Spent My Christmas Day At The Hospital

Merry Christmas

Doodle: Mercy and Forgiveness

Doodle: While You Were Sleeping

I am selling some of my paintings over on Artfinder. Shipping is FREE worldwide. You can check them out here: ARTFINDER. Thank you!


My avatar was illustrated by @pinstory

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