My Desk This Morning


That's how my work desk looks like this morning. I typically work on several artworks at the same time. I know it's weird but I easily get bored and I need to keep doing a variety of things at the same time. And being an introvert I also like to work in silence and prefer not to reply phone/Whatsapp/FB messages when I am working. And to be honest, I am not much of a conversationalist, and it's common for me to not reply to messages for some time or even days. And I don't like to answer phone calls unless it's really necessary and prefers to communicate through chat. I know it's kinda rude but I do prefer it that way...Some people don't get it but I am so glad I have four other introvert friends who perfectly understand me and of course, family members are used to my weird ways ;)


My avatar was illustrated by @pinstory

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