Tiger Stencil Painting - Work In Progress Part 1

One of the stencil artists that inspires me a lot is Katie Robinson. I read an interview of hers about a couple of months ago and she mentioned about using whatever materials available to you if you can't afford the expensive stuff. One thing I remembered she recommended was to use wood panels if you can't afford canvasses.

Wood panels? Why didn't I think of that? I have plenty of wood panels lying around at home which came from old broken furniture. I thought of getting rid of them but somehow the hoarder in me said to keep them for future art projects.

So I have been thinking of doing a tiger stencil painting and I thought this is the perfect time to use my wood panel.

I found a copyright-free public domain image of a tiger and manipulated it on GIMP to create my stencil.


And here are my wood panels. I removed the screws and sandpapered them. I only need one for this project though.


I applied the first layer of the background using acrylic paints. Usually I don't have the result I want in mind. I just play around with the paints, not thinking much about the end result. I am just enjoying the process. So here is the outcome. I set it aside and let it dry overnight. I shall continue with part 2 tomorrow.


Visit part 2 here: Tiger Stencil Painting - Finally Completed!

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Hi I Am Olivia a.k.a Coloringiship From Borneo Land of the Headhunters Stencil Portrait Coloring Book Artist

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