Im the Future Artist: 7

Hello friends!

As you know, 4 months ago, for the first time in my life, I enrolled in drawing courses and picked up a pencil.
All this time I trained for 9 hours a week.

I am 34 years old. I live in Belarus. This country is small and poor. In 2017, I left my career as an economist, because I hated my job. And I decided to fulfill my dream: to draw. It's a very bold decision for me to quit my job. I need money to study in this situation. But life is too short. And I decided that if I do not want to regret the lost time, when I'm an old grandmother, then I must act right now.

Now I'm taking drawing lessons in 3D and drawing on paper, developing my skills.

When I sit down at the easel, I experience such feelings, as if the many facets inside me merge into Something one, Which transcends the material world. If, up to that moment, the thoughts of the brain were attacked by a whirlwind, then in the process of creating an image from nothing, my chakras come into balance :D

And sometimes, when I feel a special upsurge, this action leads me to a state of mild erotic stimulation :)

So, Let me invite you on a date with art!

Step 1 - Getting ready for a date

Step 2 - Fill the space at the top of the sheet with coal strokes, "painting" the image with your fingers. My hands slowly move lower (prelude):

Step 3 - The tension is mounting ... I've never done this before - I did not draw drapery. Armed with charcoal and eraser, I immerse myself in the process of creating a relief:

Step 4 - Oh YES!

With love from @cooper.crow

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