A New Kind of Magazine that Discovers + Rewards Creative Content


A Magazine that Discovers + Rewards Creative Content

Building a magazine on the Steem blockchain comes with some unique advantages. This is a blockchain that rewards all kinds of media, content and engagement. Most of all, these rewards are centered on the relationship between content creators and their readers. Every article we publish is ported from the Steem blockchain into thecreativecrypto.com website. Each article also has the ability to earn cryptocurrency through the "upvote" support of our subscribers. Not only that, but each reader also earns a percentage of the cumulative value that each post generates.

Our team (alongside many other crypto-centric companies and applications) rely on the Steem blockchain as a financial backbone. The Steem protocol makes every article eligible to accrue token rewards from a global community of readers and supporters.

And there's more...

As The Creative Crypto Magazine accumulates cryptocurrency in the form of Steem, the @creativecrypto account itself will be able to distribute significant rewards to other readers equipped with a Steem wallet. The Delegated Proof of Stake protocol allows Steem holders to then help others accrue rewards simply by voting on content. As part of the @creativecrypto mission to support impactful work across the blockchain space, we’ve set up a “voting bot” that scans the entire Steem blockchain ecosystem to discover and reward meaningful creative and community work.

The voting bot is just a first phase. As time goes on and our team matures, we'll be transitioning to a blend of bot voting and people who vote on great content manually. Our team will be monitoring the content that the bot discovers and rewards very closely, looking for ways to adapt and improve. We want to thank Emre (@emrebeyler) for developing this incredible resource with us and will work with him as the experiment unfolds.

What is each "upvote" worth?

Currently, each of our upvotes are worth $1.50 USD of Steem. Our bot votes on about 24 authors in 24 hours. So in total - @creativecrypto is directly distributing $36.00 USD worth of cryptocurrency each day. (That's about $13,000 USD per year at current market values.) Our preliminary goal is to distribute $100,000 USD worth of cryptocurrency to creatives over our first year. We believe that this is an achievable goal as the Magazine matures and will continue to share updates and milestones as the year progresses.

If you currently have a Steem account, you might be wondering how you can receive one of our upvotes! In order to be eligible for a vote, you’ll have to have the following -

That's all of the secret sauce we can divulge for now. Our team will be tweaking the parameters of voting (languages, reputation scores, length, timing, blacklisted tags, comments, etc.) as we test out the system in the coming weeks.

We're developing thecreativecrypto.com into much more than just a magazine. It will become an empowering resource that rewards readers and creative practitioners all over the world. Make sure to give us a follow @creativecrypto on Steem, and subscribe to our newsletter on thecreativecrypto.com. Our website will be launching soon!

The custom illustrations featured in this article were created by @zsolt.vidak

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