Ancient Heart [Original Artwork]

I would like to show everyone a series of paintings I created from 2012 - 2014. All of them are acrylic on canvas.

The series is called "Dark Stars Burn Bright". Here's one of the 12:

A little background on the series...

From 2012 till mid 2015 I fell into the deepest darkest depression and state of mind I've ever been in. Even though I've struggled with a life full of very painful depression it wouldn't be until my marriage of 8 years fell apart. I had lost more than just my wife, but everything... and I mean EVERYTHING (because of the dark path I was on). It was truly the darkest years of my life.

These paintings were a way for me to try and heal and find my way out of the dark abyss I was falling in. Even if all the paintings don't seem related, it was one of the ways I tried to help therapy.

I haven't painted for over two years. If I did now they would not look like these because I've since found my way out (for the most part).

I want to share this and not just my art, because I want people know that there is a way out of that abyss... We all have a lock, and we all have a key to unlock that lock. It's just a matter finding that individual key...

Mental health is a very important issue and I hope in the near future we will move towards find better ways to healing people so we can return to becoming out best potentials.


Thank you very much for checking out my old work, and my story behind them. I appreciate all the up votes/comments.

If you're interested in buying any of these, please let me know.

  • John
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