Moon Watchers (ORIGINAL ARTWORK) with animated GIF & Dolphin Facts







Dolphins are some of the most fascinating creatures on this planet. Below I will list some awesome facts about my favorite animal.


  • Dolphins are highly social and intuitive.
  • They are known to be very agile and playful, they are even comedic at times.
  • One of the most sexual creatures, even known to rape other dolphins or even humans. Don't be alarmed, like human beings, not all dolphins rape. Some actually will attempt to save humans.
  • Dolphins are fascinated with pregnant women and children. There are even places in the world that host births with a dolphin mid-wives. There are even reports of some babies being born able to breathe underwater, this is thought to be caused by the dolphins' powerful burst-pulse sounds. You will of course have to do some deep digging to find this info, as there is much fear mongering on this topic on the internet as with most things that are controversial.
  • The same burst-pulse sounds are also used for echolocation which allows them to perceive objects by bouncing sound off surfaces.
  • They can quickly cycle between their sight and sound. Clicks, squawks, and whistles are used as their form of communication.
  • When a baby dolphin is born the mother must rush immediately to the surface so that it may take its first breath. Afterwards the calf stays with its mother for 3-8 years.
  • Dolphins have 2 stomachs, one for food & one for digestion.
  • Although they have teeth, they never chew their food.
  • They have very delicate skin, however even the deepest of wounds will heal.
  • They can dive up to 1000 feet.
  • Sometimes they live upwards of 50 years.
  • There is at least one confirmed report of dolphin suicide after it was left broken hearted by a human being it had fallen in love with (link)

Best Regards,




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