Polar Portals (ORIGINAL ARTWORK) with animated GIF & Story







As usual, I had a blast creating my new artwork. Let me know if you are as excited about it as I am. Below I will leave a little story inspired by this art.


A giant polar bear swims gracefully through the sub-zero waters of the arctic in search of its next meal when suddenly it enters a portal. To its surprise it is teleported above the ice left sliding across at a blistering speed. Although it is headed towards the edge of the glacier, all that is on its mind still is a big juicy seal. Soon enough the polar bear is in mid air, no longer upon the ice as it has slid off of the glacier it was teleported onto through the portal. The white sea deer looks down, noticing that it is headed straight for a huge ice shard protruding from the water beneath. Death is surely imminent, so the hairy beast begins to relive his entire life all in one instance. Remembering its mothers warm breast milk as a cub. Next thinking back to the time it was in its first Coca-Cola commercial. Finally the annual seal feast with its sleuth back home. As soon as it comes back to the physical reality, it is amazed at the fact that the ice shard is in fact a narwhal as the rider of icebergs sees the whale start to swim away. So instead of the bear plummeting to its final moment of existence, it is now catching a free ride on a narwhal. Of course this means an endless buffet of fish for the God's dog since the fish are all following the whales swimming pattern in order to thrive. All is good in the arctic circle, or so it seems.


The moral of the story is?
Tell me what you think the moral of the story is in the comments


Best Regards,




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