PositiviTree (ORIGINAL ARTWORK) Collaboration #1 with @sean-king







Model : @steemed-open
Photographer : @sean-king
Artwork by : @daltono


Original Photo :


@sean-king loves taking photos of his beautiful wife @steemed-open. So I reached out to do a collaboration design with him, because I thought she would be a wonderful subject for me to work with. I am very happy to know that he was happy to take me up on my offer. I have quickly noticed that the two of them have the type of union that I strive to achieve one day with my dream lady of the future. I plan to create more art using @sean-king's great photos in the future, however this is our first and only collective effort thus far.
Below I will tell the story of how I stumbled upon @sean-king's blog on Steemit.


I have had the luxury of meeting many great people on Steemit since joining Dec 2017. Recently I a came into contact with @sean-king. I actually found him on Steemit when I was searching for other Steemians who had posted about Puerto Rico, I found this well written blog written by him that explains the huge tax incentives for living in Puerto Rico. I found this blog 8 months after it was written. When I read it @sean-king and his wife @steemed-open had finally just arrived in Puerto Rico full time a month prior.
I already had the burning desire to go visit, this was my sign to actually book a 2 week trip there to experience the island from an eye witness perspective, which I wrote about here. Upon chatting through email I learned quite a few things about our friendship, @sean-king and I both love the tropical environment, yoga, photography, futurism, voluntarism, anarchy, and believe in the future of crypto. I even found out he was born in the same very small town that I was born in and still live in currently.
This goes to show that this beautiful home we call Earth is much smaller than we imagine it to be. I look forward to meeting @sean-king in person once I finally arrive in Puerto Rico April 8th, exactly 2 months from today.


Best Regards,


Staying up to date can be hard so I have made it easy, here are some of my recent posts :

  1. @daltono/stan-larimer-answered-my-questions-live-on-blue-rock-talk-with-connie-willis
  2. @daltono/my-1st-visit-to-puerto-rico-any-locals
  3. @daltono/waffle-drop-original-artwork-with-animated-gif
  4. @daltono/any-tribes-looking-for-a-new-solid-asset




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