Gustav Klimt - The Great Symbolist Artist

'The Three Ages of Woman, Mother and Child' by Gustav Klimt

I love this painting because it is so tender. To me, it shows a mother's love in all its fineness.

Gustav Klimt lived from 1862 to 1918. He was a symbolist artist who liked to create paintings and murals.

Probably, his most famous artwork is 'The Kiss' shown below. He was a symbolist painter whose work portrayed human suffering to sexual liberation. He painted nudes in close contact with each other and that raised a few eyebrows during his lifetime.

Klimt liked to dress up in kaftans while he painted but he saw himself as an ordinary man. He was a dedicated artist who painted from morning till night. He never got married but had 14 kids by different women.

Now I will show you some of my favourite Gustav Klimt artworks.

'The Kiss' by Gustav Klimt

The colour gold strikes me first when I look at 'The Kiss'. I love the symbolism in the bed cover. The guy has strong rectangles but the girl has soft circles. It's absolute magic!

'Life and Death' by Gustav Klimt

The Eclectic Light Company

There are so many emotions symbolized in this artwork that it rather overwhelms me. I don't understand the symbolism of the death image but the life side really gets under my skin. There are so many people woven into the picture.

'Bauerngarten' by Gustav Klimt

South China Morning Post

Here is something quite different showing how versatile Klimt was. It seems kind of impressionistic to me. The detail is incredible.

I will leave you with this photo of Klimt with his cat:

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