Progress of a painting - A Dyptich of Light & Darkness

Into the soul of the universe

I painted these two pieces about a year ago as a kind of "twin painting". One is showing the life giving energies in the universe, which animate all living matter. The other one is representing the decay and destruction of things. One could be seen as heaven and the other one as hell but without judging these two spheres.

When I look at the progress pictures I realize that the real work always starts at the very end of the process. The painting looks almost the same for days and then with a few details and precise strokes the whole thing comes to life.

I hope you like it...

It would be cool to know what you think when you look at these pieces...let me know!


"As Above, Soul Below" | acrylic & oil on canvas | 50cm x 90cm

"Destruction Overdrive" | acrylic & oil on canvas | 50cm x 90cm

"Dyptich of Light & Darkness" | acrylic & oil on canvas


"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."

edith wharton 

For more information about my art please visit

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