My Nude Body Art! Location is at Waterholes Canyon, Arizona

Hey guys, sorry I didn't upload any posts for the last couple of days. I was a bit busy with work but don't worry I'll try my best from now on to upload posts every day or atleast every alternate day.

Also I just came to know about @steepshot and I loved the app and the concept. Although I would like to see a couple of changes, one being the ability to edit pics in app. But I will be using it in the future and will see how it works. OK enough of that, now the thing you guys have been waiting for, today I'm uploading my pictures from The Waterholes Canyon in Arizona. I think this was one of the best work of mine, the shoot locations selected were by far the best I have got till now. So here it is!




Can you spot me in this picture? I almost blended in 😜


Check out my previous posts:

My Nude Body Art! Location is at White Pocket, Utah: @devyanka/my-nude-body-art-location-is-at-white-pocket-utah
Exploring the Waterholes Canyon in Arizona: @devyanka/exploring-the-waterholes-canyon-in-arizona
Exploring Arizona and the White Pockets in Utah: @devyanka/exploring-arizona-and-the-white-pockets-in-utah

I'll see you all real soon! Do drop a upvote and follow @devyanka for more!


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