STREET ART – from vandalism to acknowledged art -street art in Aalborg, Denmark


A great way to explore the street art in Aalborg is on foot.  I did a 3-4 hour walk in the inner city, finding art in side streets, back yards and parking lots. Some of the paintings I knew about, but the inner city is packed with art I had never seen before. Before I startet my tour I had heard that the art here is world class. I totally agree when I finished the tour. Now I want to share it with you.

I started my tour in the area where the factory workers used to live. But when turning a corner I came across this mural. I think the melancholic, dark expression in this mural fits into this gray, monotonous industrial residential area.

Still in the same area. «The Big Catch». But who is catching who?

A danish graffitti artist made this. His work can be seen in New York, Munich, Berlin, Paris, frail is life...

A dark and grey back yard has become a colorful place to be.

Now I have reached a railway station. This man actually lived here in the area , and was a wellknown person to the residents of the area – The buildings seen in his spectacles are right behind when I turned around....

«Our Lady of Aalborg» painted by El Mac, born and raised in Los Angeles.

Two people standing back to the back looking over the ocean with rising water around them ... theme must be global warming...

This is found right in the center behind a big shop. The artist is from Argentina and started as a graffitti artist.

Right behind one of the pedestrian streets I came across this mural. Later I read that the artist is australian Fintan Magee, and that his works often affect tragic themes such as war, suffering and violence, often illustrated through childish elements.

A plastic bottle and if you look close, you will see a whale inside. Some says there is a dolphin too, but I could not find it...

A real large painting, on the wall of a parking garage behind the bus terminal. One of my favorites. I also read about it, that the artist is South- African Faith47 who likes to tell authentic stories about people she meets on her way.

Street Art has clearly changed this little gray industrial city into a vibrant and colorful inner city. Once it started as tagging and thus considered vandalism. Today it is an accepted art form that everyone can see. Not just those who go to galleries.

Next stopp: Port Louis, Mauritius.


Kristiansand, Norway

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