Added some colour to my latest sketch

playing with colours for sketch


Here is the entire image.

I think I might try a few colourways for this piece, but I thought I'd share a quick addition of some colour I added to my latest Singularity sketch. I am considering putting our Pandora into an interior of some sort. My other pieces have been out in nature as I like the contrast of machine and nature. This piece, however, might be in an indoor setting where I can show the light more dramatically.

One of the joys of being an artist is that bit of playing God and deciding where our characters will reside. The power to place objects and people in any sort of scenario and scene is a powerful position we artists are lucky to possess.

Do other artists find their act of creating a sort of 'playing at God smallscale' or sometimes I equate it with being an author deciding what path my characters will take in my fiction.

I had wanted to make a larger post today, but the day has got away from me. I had a few extra things on my plate, but it is still important for me to at least share a bit of what I am working on daily.

I hope all of you are enjoying your day and if you get behind, just remember to do one thing on your list to make the day still feel a success, Even checking off one thing on a list (even if it is checking off "make a list") makes your day go better I always feel. Here is to lists and seeing the good in the busy :)

If you like my work please upvote, resteem and by all means comment, I love comments!

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