Detail of the progression of my Singularity Painting: Pandora

The little dog companion has been coming along and he has a mechanical device which has caught his attention.


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Readers will remember that this larger more involved piece in my Singularity series I presented in this state a few weeks back.

In that iteration of the piece, the dog and the sofa, which was included in my original sketch, was merely a blur of red and idea at that point.

I draw and create daily, but often have a larger piece I am working on in the background.

This seems to be a good system for me. It keeps me 'limber' if you will with sketching and creating but also gives me the time and leisure to work on a larger piece without feeling the pressure to finish quickly.

I have often mentioned that my garden is a 'carrot on a stick' I use to motivate myself to get my morning art and steem done to earn my garden time. In a way, this particular painting has been a sort of carrot on a stick as well.

I'd say to myself, "When you finish this sketch or study you get to work on the Pandor piece".

and it was exciting, because it is like going to a place you enjoy but are always discovering new things in.

I obviously love animals and to include them in my art.

When I began doing this Singularity pieces, it didn't take long for the concurrent sketches of a piece to include animals. The butterfly motif began to form as well, it being the symbol of the human mind and psyche and I liked playing with that idea of these partially once human creatures trying to understand their past.

In this piece I had always included a little dog companion on the sofa waiting patiently for his master to find the forbidden Pandora's box of old 21st century tech. As I have been working on this, however, I kept getting the feeling that whilst she was busy discovering her past, he would be also amused by the flights of fancy of the current world.

This sort of 'butterfly machine' I am calling it, just sort of formed out of playing with sketches of fantastical machines that might be a matter of course in this odd dystopian world. I have to say I am very much influenced in this machine by one of my favourite artists here on steemit @reinhard-schmid. His fantastical machinery so well mingled with his lovely women (with amazing shoes...Oh the shoes!) seem to always draw me in.

I am forever saying that I LOVE art that has story.

And @reinhard-schmid work is always full of story. That is to say, I can imagine all sorts of scenarios and little play-like vignettes when I view his work. This is also probably why I am so drawn to surrealism because it is like a theatre set or movie production.

Thus, when I was messing about with my little dog on the sofa and I began to just sketch a sort of orb with gears, it just grew into this odd sort of floating lamp. Then I considered, what if it is creating the butterlifes that are always accompanying these creatures. I wanted a sort of lamp on top, the light that moths and butterflies are always drawn to, but in this case, perhaps it is creating them? Who can say? I hope the viewer would want to ponder and consider, as that is what I like to do when viewing art.

Steemit has made me approach art in such a wonderful new way.

Prior to finding it, I was mainly focusing on my more popart coloured animal pieces, which I still do and very much love to do, but steemit has given me back the love of story in my own work. The joy to think I can work and work on a piece, building up layers and getting to share it with all of you.

Truly Steemit has given me back Story in my work.

And I hope you enjoy the process and progress of these Singularity pieces. I certainly am having so much fun delving into this world.

Now, to consider what to do next to this painting before I call it 'done'. But, honestly, is a piece ever really done for an artist?

I hope your day is filled with whimsy and of course Story! Look and listen to your imagination and let it run wild; you'll be surprised where it takes you.

If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

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My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.

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