My Cafe drawing today, not what you'd think.

A fluffy pink duo inspired by last nights sunset


Today my 'cafe drawing' is taking place at my favourite cafe: Home. I have been out and about so much of late that I needed an 'at home cafe' morning.

You'd think this an odd inspiration from today's cafe, since my view is this:


But you have to look at the factors involved. The number one factor for colour and frilly pinky theme came from last night's post which included this amazing sunset.


Now, the second factor (which is often always a factor when I am choosing subject for my art) is my morning companion at the 'cafe at home':

Animals. I love them and am always surrounded by them. Of course, I could have drawn a cat, but I already had my mind set on something pink fluffly and girly after last nights sunset.

I almost didn't get to witness it. I was out and on my way home as I drove closer and closer to home in the grey distance I caught the pink. It was amazing bright hot pink! I rushed home, threw open the doors and ran down to snap those few shots with my phone. Injustice to it's beauty, my sad little phone with the cheap little camera in.

Well, this morning, getting up to the quiet empty house ( @winstonalden now a city man catching trains at unGodly hours) I just knew I had to grab a cuppa, my sketch book and head down to watch the sea and dream of last night's colours.

i just sketched the idea in my little book, as I often do, but then finished it on my little tablet (not even my nice wacom, poor dear, it's not as portable as my little microsoft tablet, and that can sit on my lap when I'm in the sand and I can draw and paint away with breaks for sips of cooling coffee and strokes of good ole' Puss.

Monty did not join us. He is resting and saving up his strength to visit his sweet feathered friends. I am due a post about he and his friends, I know. They have been moved out to an out building as growing chicks and quail do not make a nice smell in the bathroom. So he waits each morning until Mummie is ready and we go out together and he has a good play with them.

Now, back my cafe sketch. I really pictured a frilly pink poodle as soon as I thought about the sunset this morning when I awoke. And I had to laugh and giggle to myself when I considered their 'coffee' being a cup with a little chi inside. Yes, I can giggle and laugh to myself, as there is no one to call the loonie bin when they see the crazy artist type talking to her cat and giggling on the beach drinking cold coffee.

Having done many simple black and white cafe drawings (which I truly love) I just wanted to inject some colour in today's and being at home gave me the luxury to mess about a bit more than when in an actual cafe. I hope you do like it.

I am trying to remember to include the things that #slothicorn wishes if we use their tag. I think one is a wallet address, so I hope I did this one correctly. I used the generator they provided in a post.

If you like my work please upvote, resteem and by all means comment, I love comments!

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