Painting Finished: My Latest Singularity Revealed "The Cage"

I am finally done with my Singularity painting I have been sharing in parts.


And after sharing these various segments in other posts, let's see them again,

I have finally finished the entire piece.


I have to say it was rather fun sharing it in bits as I worked on it. A fun reveal of sorts.

I really am finding my footing in my Singularity series. It is becoming a true obsession with me. I find the idea of tech and humanites merge intriguing and as we slip ever further into the digital I can't help but play on an odd sort of future.

I am always going on about how I love "Story" in my art, both to view and to make. This series is becoming like a novel to me and I am writing it out in portraits and drawings.

Part of the "story" of art for me is letting the viewer see their own story. I can share my idea of the scenario with you, but I also love to hear the story that is forming in your own minds.

In this piece I loved the idea of the decorative cage as a trap for us all.

Surely our Singularity heroine here is focused on her own anger at Puss getting after her well created or 'enhanced' pet, yet is she, herself, aware of the very cage in which she exists?

  • And who put her in that cage?
  • Is she aware of it?
  • And the shadow that looms, be he friend or foe?

Perhaps he is here to 'help' either repair or replace sadness with a fresh restart , who can say?
Well, you can say. And even if you don't type it in the comments I hope that you will by simply viewing the piece come to a story line of your own.

I really am enjoying this series and who knows how many more pieces I have in me. In fact I have many more being working on now. Some I have shared the watercolour studies for and they can stand alone in that form, others will be built up from that study or simply become a part of a larger piece.

I am so happy again to have found Steemit and all of you out there. You make creating and sharing work so much more rewarding.

I hope your day is filled with the joy of creation in some way and if not time to physically create, that you have a few moments to spin some stories in your imagination to make the day seem a bit more fantastical.

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