Today's dada conversation: A reply in an artistic pictorial conversation.

Here is my sketch up this morning.


Again, I hope it is okay that I share the few artists pieces that I am "responding" to, but I think the entire idea of dada is the sharing and freedom of expression. Which makes me think it has a lot in it that is similar to #creativecommons.


The first dada artist in this conversation is massel, The second dada artist is boris toledo doorm

I cannot figure out how to find the link for the entire conversation, but I think if you simply go to my dada and click on this drawing it will open up the entire conversation.

I really am loving dada as my 'morning sketch up'. That first draw with that first cup of coffee to start the day.

As I am happy to share these drawings with anyone I may start including the #creativecommons license in here so people now they can copy and create away! (Of course just my bit of the conversation, I cannot speak for the other two artists, so don't take those please.)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

If you like my work please upvote, resteem and by all means comment, I love comments!

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