This time i wanted to share with you a video where i am drawing a ghostface!
To make this i used Prismacolor- Black and White pencils. To draw the basic guidelines i used 3H pencil.
You can even see how my black pencil shortens as the video goes on!!
It was fun to draw this, and also i had to practise using Prismacolor pencils. This was a good idea, since in this drawing theres a lot blending. As you can see-I put one layer with black pencil, and than i blend that with the white one. Then i put again one more layer with black pencil on top of that, and than i blend with white again. If needed than i do that even 3 or 4 times, until i get the result i need.
I will include a link to my verification post, that all of the drawings posted here are done by me: @edgarsart/edgarsart-original-art-now-verified
More of my art you can find on my twitter page: