Original White Charcoal Cat Drawing+Progress Photos

This is my original White Charcoal Cat drawing+ i included some progress photos of it..

At this stage the drawing looks blurry. Its because charcoal smudges all over everything, and theres pretty much nothing you can do to prevent that. When charcoal drawings are finished, many artists may chose to "fix" the charcoal in place. Because charcoal drawings are often very dusty, this is a common practice. There are different types of fixatives. If anyone would like to, i could talk about this more in one of my future posts.

To draw with white charcoal in comparison to dark is not easier. I have heard that a lot of people say that it is, but for me i can say its just as hard as it is to draw with the dark one. Of course, it takes less time, for example: This drawing took me about 10 hours to complete. With dark charcoal i would have to spent around 20 hours on a drawing like this. But the key is, that you cant really make mistakes with the white one. Because its impossible to erase anything. One wrong stroke and its done. Its there, and you cant change it. But if i want to erase dark charcoal from white paper, than its not that hard, it can be done.

I will include a link to my verification post, that all of the drawings posted here are done by me: @edgarsart/edgarsart-original-art-now-verified
More of my art you can find on my twitter page: https://twitter.com/EdArtDrawings

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