Confession: I really love coffee (and coffee mugs)!

Hello everyone!

As announced in my "introduceyourself"-post, I will show you some of my works (of art) from time to time and this will be the first one.

Once I applied for a place at an art college and had to deliver a portfolio and a text about my motivation and my works for it.
Creating this portfolio, I loved to drink coffee (and I still do!) and started to paint and draw all kinds of coffee mugs. You will get to see different ones, if you follow my blog.

And these mugs are my favourite ones:


  • acrylic paint, size about DIN A3


  • acrylic paint and china ink, size about DIN A5 each

These ones were no part of my portfolio, I painted them by order of a friend some years later.

And this is an extract from my text about my works and my motivation (translated into English) or rather the love letter to coffee:

"A good deal of my works is made up of pictures of coffee mugs. I am fascinated how exciting and aesthetic this object can be. Coffee mugs are round and often straight at the same time. You find them in many different shapes, colours and formations and still they all mainly serve as a drinking vessel.
The coffee mug is present nearly always and everywhere in my daily life, because I love to drink coffee. Coffee is the stimulant which I could cut out least and it's a good, hot cup of coffee which can fill me with joy as quick as a flash. So I am not content with tasting and smelling coffee, but using it as a medium for painting, as you can see in the coffee-etchings, - paintings and even in the nude drawing."

I hope you like my coffee mugs and feel my passion for them.

Have a nice weekend,

P.S.: Are there any requests for my next presentation? What would you like to see? Landscapes, still-lifes, abstract paintings, ...?

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