4 paintings and symbols that inspired me to paint art with passion. Included reference photo and short interpretations of my paintings

“Sacred Geometry and Sacred Places”


I made this painting all together at the same time On November 2016, i was so inspired with my travels that year that i decided to paint them and use my camera as my reference for painting and that makes it original.
I am so drawn to sacred geometry that it inspired me to paint, and maybe in that way i can communicate this symbols to spread awareness, speciallly the flower of life symbol, its a form of communication thats pretty much sums up everything in the universe and how it was created, to the structure of all things, its a blueprint of the universe. I saw this symbols in a vision while i was meditating, and learned a lot from it, and going deeper into it the knowledge and wisdom that i discovered changed my perspection in life, and its been part of my life ever since, its been here with us through the ages, alot of ancient advanced places has this symbols. I also learned alot from reading Books about these ancient sacred symbols, on of the famous book i read was by Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” volume 1 and 2, i highly recommend this book.


And going on with the painting, let me show you a short interpretation of my paintings with the reference photo that i used.


  • This place is in San Francisco by Seal Rock, i used to live nearby there for 3 years, and during my stay there, i was mostly alone, i work nights then go home to sleep then repeat, and on weekends get myself wasted and drunk, party here and party there, workhard and party harder and that was also the time when i was facing my demons and fears, i did not choose to be alone during that time, but circumstances lead me to that direction and one of my greatest fears was to be alone, i thought myself to meditate during my stay there, and also started to learn more about the flower of life, the sacred geometry that i used here is called the seed of life, i used this symbol together with a yin and yang, which fits really well, it was a time where a seed was planted that will flourish soon, the yin and yang represent my struggles on keeping myself sane and balanced, i faced a lot of challenges in life and at work, i felt like having two personalities, but finally surrendered and found my true self.
  • this place is called Cathedral rock, my most visited site in sedona, im so drawn to this place, i love hiking to reach the top, i love meditating there as well, i used the Sacred Geometry symbol of “Metatrons cube” this symbol holds all the platonic solids that make up the shape of our 3 dimensional reality and each are being represented by all the elements known to man. I used this sybol as during the time that i went to Sedona, i have been discovering more about the Flower of life, and i felt that i evolved as a human being and matured as a person after i made that trip. And with this symbol comes the harmony and balance with nature.
  • this place is called Bell Rock and is also located in Sedona Arizona, i also love hiking here, and visited it again for the 3rd time last week, i remember back then on my first time hiking Bell rock it was a very hot summer afternoon, i was the only person i think who hiked it that time, when i found the twisting juniper trees marks the spot where the Vortex energy was concentrated, i sat by the tree to find some shade and meditated for about 20 mins, it was a very natural experience, you can hear the birds, the trees, the wind, and all of a sidden i could hear an indian flute playing which was so cool, it was very calming and relaxing to hear it, and it took me to a place where i could feel peace and presence of love all around me, it gave me a boost of energy, it was such a mwmorable experience, somw people might differ from my experience, although it was not profound but i could say it was a good quality meditative experience, i was also envisioning the flower of life and it connected me in my true self, it was really love that created all things, and from this sacred symbol, it gave us a very important info on how everything was created from the void, just like when we all started as a sphere or a single cell and now we are perfect as we are, much like how we form our ideas and how me manifest it in reality, just like art, it always comes out from our heart!
  • This place is Mt. Shasta by Heart Lake, also one of the places that that isso peaceful and same as the other places i visited, youvould feel the good vibe a mile away, and as a little bit of info, If you are ware of Chakras, its like energy points in the body that we need to balance, same as planet earth it also has 7 chakras and Mt Shasta is considered as the root chakra of earth, it crosses the lay lines. And this place has a very ancient history, it is said that there is an entrance in the moutain goin towards middle earth where a city called Telos resides, and it is said that lemurians once also existed here, it was a race of advanced people that came before the atlanteans, very interesting story actually, i also met a very wonderful lady, named Isabelle, she owns a mystic shop named shambala center, and she is like a lady version of indiana jones, as she hold the 13th crustal skull, i have spoken woth her and also both some crytal skulls from here and i have been having it in my pocket ever since, she has a unique crystal skull as it was 2 diffrent skull handed to her from 2 different places by the mayans that were keeps of the skull, both skulls when joined together makes a shape of a human heart more like a toddlers heart and when separated you could see a brain etched inside the crystals, and this skulls came in a right timing where we are more disconnected, it came with a mesage of peace and love to very young monded beings, our generation now is considered very young, well if you think about it, we are like kids and thw government or any entity decides our future, we are becoming adults now, and we need to be free minded, but before we get to that phase we need to be in harmony with each other and of earth, one day in this generetion we will be set free, and we will finally realize that we are all abundant and our richness are provided by nature and love has the most value of all. We must all unite and make prace with each other and with the same goals as to evolve to higher beings and make this place better for the next generations to come, we are in exiting times, as all the profecy suggest, i used the seed of life symbol as i felt that, it was a great time ahead to have known this knowledge and its not just a story but a reality coming into fruition, one day our way of life will be totally different, having known this, im still working my 12 hrs job but now i live with more happiness and contentment, i dont chase any material things like i used to I believe nothing is permanent, even if you the riches and most powerful person today, when you die you go staright to the ground with nothing, so why keep busy making yourself rich when you can live and try your very best to make this world a better place one atep at time.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and welcome to my world, i hope you enjoy reading and appreciating my art


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