The Art of the Subconscious


The subconscious mind to me has to do with the imagination.
A lot of times when I create a piece of art I do it without really planning the final outcome.
I tend to just start and as I flow I begin to see the different paths that I could take.
I like to think that all of my artwork is already complete. All the art that I have and will create through out my lifetime is already done as I don't see time in a linear form.
When I see a blank canvas I already subconsciously know what it's going to look like. Its like I'm bringing out whats already there.

Art has taught me a lot about the way life functions as I see everything in life as Art itself.
For example, clothes, homes, roads, technology, instruments etc etc All of these material things are art pieces.
They started out as an idea in someones imagination. The more they contemplated this idea the more it began to take form through a process of different actions and decisions . Until eventually they were physically manifested into the real world. This process of creation is absolutely fascinating to me, its pure magic. In the same way we can shape and morph our life, by a series of carefully executed ideas and decisions. But it all begins in the imagination, if you believe it you most certainly can and will achieve it.

So if all these material objects first began as thoughts and were created by man... it leaves one to think..
Who created a flower? Or a tree, a cloud, water, fire etc etc
Who is the grand creator of what we call nature and all of its inhabiting creatures.
I guess thats the ultimate question in life. Where did we come from?
How did we come to be? And where are we going after this is all done? Do we just cycle back around?
Feel free to share some of your thoughts with me in the comments.

  • Eddie Martinez
    E T E R N O




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