Collaborative Art Journey..."All Fired Up" -- This is your invitation to Collaborate! Whatever your expression, BRING IT ON!

I am incredibly stoked about collaborating on art.  

~*~*~*~ WE ARE AMAZING! ~*~*~*~

Artists of all kinds--beginners, seasoned artists, visual artists, musicians, poets and more--have been coming together to create a portfolio of incredible masterpieces.  Look at all the benefits we receive just by simply creating a piece of art:

Here we are all together, supporting one another from our own little corners of the world. Most of us don't even know each other, yet we are connecting, learning each other's styles, melding our talents, sharing our passions, exchanging positively good feeling energy, upping our own abilities, showing gratitude and appreciation, inspiring others, earning rewards, surprising ourselves, giving each other gifts, building a really badass community within a community, getting and giving feedback, giving each other an audience to show our creations, activating a profound collection of Steemian Artist's Collaborative Works and enjoying every moment of our interactions everyday....and an added bonus -- it doesn't cost us anything, and we make little to no waste in the process. (Except of course electricity).

The finale of our most recent collaboration "No Strings Attached" included 

***  18 artists *** 


*** 29 collaborative masterpieces! *** 

Each artist made their own individual post of their finished piece(s) and shared their process.  Some artists made more than one and shared those too.  Playing with this community is very fulfilling, and I'm thrilled every time I open a post to receive a present from one of my Steemian artist friends. I feel certain you will be inspired by the works we have created. 

NOW is your opportunity to come out and play with us.

This is the way to play:


I offer up this creation to be used as a base for the collaborative piece.

This is a photograph I took of weeds.  I am not so much the perfect photographer as I am inspired by surprise, so playing with angles, light, reflections, texture and composition are much more of interest to me than manipulating the camera to catch a specific image.  I never try to create an image I have in my mind, but rather let the moment do what ever crazy thing it does and then capture that!  Oh I so love art!


Print the image or do whatever
it is you need to do to add to/or alter it.
(i.e., including but not limited to painting, drawing,
adding other photographs, collaging,
altering it digitally or however you wish . . . or perhaps even adding a tune, poetry, a story or other imaginative play.

We're artists, so anything goes!

Then make a post about it,
sharing your process and anything about it that inspires you.

Note: Making a post is not a requirement to play, so don't let any time constraints or "rules" get your patties up in a wad.  But, if you do make a post about it with your process we can share our works more prolifically and people will likely be intrigued by seeing how it developed.  I know I will!

Tag your post with #art and #CollaborativeArtJourney (and of course any other tag that fits your finished piece).

Copy the link from your post into a comment below.

(If you don't make a post--though I hope you will--please just post your finished piece in the comments below so we can find it easily.)


Deadline for this submission is
Sunday, December 11, 2016 at Midnight CST.

After the deadline I will make a post featuring all the collaborations and highlighting all the different pieces inspired by the same original photo/art.

(If you don't make it by the deadline, that doesn't mean  you can't play, it just means I may post our finale piece before you get your submission in to be included.)


This round I will be donating any rewards from the post to my favorite and most honorable group doing humanitarian works:  the @gardenofeden

(I am a full-time volunteer at the @gardenofeden, building a new world based on the vision of @quinneaker, creating a life based on sustainability, freedom and responsibility--holding space for the betterment of humanity and freedom for the children!  This is an incredibly worthy cause I support with 100% of my energy!)


IMPORTANT:  Soon I will come up with an idea for sharing all of our inspired works.  I'm not sure how that will play out, but please note that by participating in these collaborations, all artists hereby grant permission to have their art shared in  some other awesome way (perhaps a show, printing them, making a gift of them, or otherwise).  I will give updates as I figure out how best to use them, and of course, give credit where credit is due.
If you don't want to give permission, please don't play. 


If you know other artists, musicians, videographers, photographers or others who would also like to play, please share this post so we can get the artistic juices and steem rolling, while expanding our artists' community for all artists, including others outside the visual arts!


Upvote, resteem, share in chats, and make comments to help spread the joy of our artistic endeavors.  

A little footnote:  My collaborative posts have not done very well based on rewards, and there are occasionally other artists who also have not been very well supported in their individual posts. Supporting each other is truly some of the greatest beauty of this platform.  Please take note of other artists' participation and give them some extra love.

If you have any suggestions on how to get our posts more recognition--I am open!

Get some inspiration for collaboration here:

Most recent Finale of No Strings Attached

Finale of Artist's Eye

Finale of Midnight Sky

Zentangle Art Collaboration.

Building community through Art Collaboration.

Collaboration using Ned's Head.

Completed collaboration with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali and Bird on a Wing

I'm incredibly excited to see what comes of  All Fired Up!

Let's Play!


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