Hero on canvas #1: Spiderman

This painting is created a year ago when my artistic mood was feeling wild(hahaha). Couldn't remember how long I've spent on this from preparation to final product. May be a round a week with 2-3 hours every day. I'm satisfied with the end product after all. What Hero is the next?

Theme: Spiderman
Material: Acrylics on stretched canvas
Size: 14" x 12"


All the preparation for an actual idea of how the real mask will look like. As the whole intention is to replicate a realistic Spiderman mask. Stage photos in films will be a great source. However, if you aren't a huge Spiderman fan, or you are going into the detail like I do, chances are you won't notice the designs those masks in actual films are evolving over the time.

The gray background on the canvas was painted as I was kind of bored of white background.

Taping technique was first used for a precise outline of the mask, a very effective trick.

With tape on I can outline the mask with less tensed nerve. And I got to say the moment you peel that tape off, that smoothness gave me goosebumps!

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