Streetart Challenge #4 Update 2 -A ethical dilemma?

Hello, fellow Streetart enthusiasts!

I have been plagued by my stomach problems the past two days and kept my steeming to a minimum. But I have gathered strength to summarise the standing and give an update.

We are looking good with 7 valid entries this time. This is what it looks like:


To see better, right-click and open in new window. It is safe to say the europeans dominate this time. Maybe because they are closer to my timezone. I miss the asian and US participants, as they make it easier to edit my map. Anyhow, I like what I see.

Happy news to everyone who has joined:

Out of the blue we got an upvote fro Randowhale! I consider it a donation, so thank you to @artcurator for this gift. Everyone head over and upvote some for this gift!

My ethical dilemmas

Sometimes when you steem you start to wonder who all these people are. And this time I have noticed 2 things about two of the entries. It concerns @erikflynn and @xdark21

First, Erika: She has used Esteem app to upload. There is nothing wrong with that. However, Esteem uses bots to promote their app and she got 8 votes out of the blue! There is nothing wrong with that either. But some might think this is cheating. And I understand the argument. I never considered it a problem, since bots usually go for the opening post. But I forgot Esteem. Even though I use it myself sometimes. So we might get a bot winner this time, unless the human voters want it different. This has triggered some thinking on my behalf, and I might change the rules in order to level the playing field. And mind you, a bot can be a human too! It is technically possible to do a human override. Though I doubt it is the case this time.

Second, xdark21: Self-upvoting is allowed. But what happens when "self" is no less than three accounts? I doubt there is a coincidence it was upvoted by @xdark22 and @xdark23. Of course it is the same person!

What to do? Personally I am going to do nothing with it. I follow rules and try to make it predictable and treat everyone fair. But I must say I have thought about it a great deal. It is up to you to decide. We might get a bot voted winner this time. And even though it is possible to punish both, I strongly recommend to not do it. Both has followed the rules. But I might change the challenge for the future.

Curators needed!

And this time I'm serious! You have seen my dilemmas and there is one thing to do if you mean something with your curation, head over and vote! And I strongly recommend to right click every image and open them in a separate window. the previews are very small and you get a totally different perspective when viewed full-size.


@erikaflynn 11 votes
@coinkingz 5 votes
@xdark21 3 votes
@mrzoltan 3 votes
@furious-one 2 votes
@oneup 1 vote
@tattoodjay 0 votes

Late arrival: @bragih 1 vote

Where do I vote?

In the comment section here:

Dont forget to add to the prize on your way out!

Badge -snakkeboble Warnock .png

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