How to draw muscle masses easily explained (works for hair as well)

Good morning steemit, today I worked on a series of small drawings to explain how to draw muscles and masses in general.
Supplies: A pencil to sketch. Some sort of of pen to ink, a micron or crow quill is ideal: even a brush with ink works well.

lets start thinking about muscles-
A muscles is a band of fibers or fibrous tissues that has the ability to contract. It's looks heavy, tight, and dense, and that's how we have to think as we draw it. Whenever we draw we want to try to embody the thing we're drawing, wavy and fluid for water, and tight and constricted for muscles

As a quick exercise to help grasp the feeling of drawing muscles, draw 2 lines and then start drawing countour lines like on the drawing on the right, this is a similar hand motion to drawing muscles

Here's a quick drawing from my sketchbook showing how muscles look and how we can draw them using that contouring technique, the main difference is the sense of tension, muscles look tense because of all the layers of matter being compressed at a point

to begin drawing a muscle draw an organic form, like a muscle mass, think of the shapes of muscles in our bodies and in animals, they look like lumps. After I draw the organic form I draw contour lines across them to help convey depth and dimension

Here's an inked representation of those muscle masses

I've started a more advanced illustration with color to show how effective this simple technique can be

I've finished that illustration up and this is what it looks like, if u need a guide on the painting part click here -@gavicrane/how-to-doodle-by-hand-with-an-advanced-twist

Here's a drawing I made a few days ago using a few colors that better demonstrates the possibilities of this technique
Good luck guys and let me know if you have any questions

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