ARTQUEST-TRAIL#22 ARTchallenge : Entry.

This is my interpretation of this painting for the 22nd ARTQUEST-TRAIL#22 (ARTchallenge)

The contest asks for you to give your interpretation of this Rafal Olbinski work.


This surrealist painting by Rafal Olbinski to me depicts the the complex issues of a couple.

The separation of the two figures is achieved by placing the woman outside, and the man inside.

His attire is representative of a grown man. His behaviour however speaks of his reluctance to transition to adulthood.

The image links the two characters familiar relationship quite effectively in the posture and expression of the woman.

It is as though she is watching and waiting for him to be ready to move on to a more mature relationship.

The man-child is engrossed in his childish play and completely unaware of her growing restless wait.

The toy train he is so involved in is contrasted by the real "big boy" train tracks that are literally waiting for him, right at the door way.

The train set just goes around and around. An intense investment on the part of the man to not move on.

The two trains, the toy and the real tracks represent his unwillingness to transition to adulthood.

The doorway, a literal representation of this rite of passage.

But for the man and the circular train set, a single child like portrait hangs on the wall. It appears as a mixture of jester and altar boy.

A bizarre image with bright flowers revealed in the open blouse. A contrast to the dank sparse room, the flowers represent the possibilities that were not realised.

The open bright space outside with lush rolling greenery is also a contrast to the dull tones used in the box like room.
An unappealing space aesthetically, but no doubt a safe confine for the person inside.

The controlled painterly quality reflects the constraints he has constructed to contain his existence.
The simple geometry of his safe little box is repeated in the predictable pattern of the uninspired tiles. Safe, contained, predictable orderly insular world.

It lacks the vibrancy and unpredictable uncertainty of the outside world. He has traded his future possibilities, at least for now, for predictability.

The dog is an important element. Representative of the woman's desire to care and nurture, and the possibility of waiting for her man to join her on this journey.

The lead indicates they are heading somewhere, the dog is not just playing outside the home, it is waiting as the woman is, to walk away.

The dog is very much a substitute for affection, companionship and perhaps the possibility of a family or child.

If only the man she chose would be prepared to step through the threshold to the world that awaits.

Here is the link to the challenge.

Join in and tell us what you see.



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