Collaborative Art Journey...Cutting and Pasting - An Upcycled Homage to @everlove

My last post was a last minute scribble as the chaos of my home unfolded this morning.

Surprisingly it has been warmly received. Or maybe it shouldn't be too surprising. We have all no doubt had those posts that we spent time and energy investing ourselves in, that attracted little support, then lo and behold, a two minute smashed out epiphany strikes gold.

Thank you Steemit, you unpredictable, beautiful, abstract and on occasion frustrating, plane.

Anyway...I digress.
I had a number of printed copies of @everlove's latest collaboration image. I was harbouring grandiose ideas, but had no time.

So I dumped the pile of printed images in the paper recycling on top of a discarded ikea flat pack.

As always I harbour guilt at the sight of our refuse.

Then I recalled @everlove's amazing up cycled creations and I dug it out of the bin.

With great enthusiasm my 2 year old and I commenced a cutting and pasting collaborative extravaganza.

Who cares if the deadline has passed. I had a - What Would Everlove Do? moment! She wouldn't care, in fact I think she would dig it.

We had an exciting morning, and my exhausted child is now napping.


Here it is. Thanks for the inspiration @everlove

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