Collaborative Art Submission. Week Number 27. Frozen In Time.

An invitation was received
Come out again and play.

The image it accompanied
Had so much within to say.

My story static here I sit
Typing from my phone most days.

Pretending to be functional
Hoping it's a phase.

I attempted friend to create
A something on my phone.

Of things I cannot manage now
This task is not alone.

Within the image I can see
Form of a sad eyed girl.

The misty blue upon her face
surrounds her in a swirl.


The vibrancy engulfs her mind
Flattening her soul.

From shoulders down a lifeless grey
Like icy shards of coal.

From where I am adjacent from
This image I do scrawl.

Aware my minds construct
Responsible for all I saw.

Next time round I vow to you
I'll be much more equipped

To contribute to this process
A submission more befit.

In spite of myself I tweaked the shot
Inverting all the colour.

But still I see a face look back
Perhaps that of another.


But then I see it's a rouge mask
Strapped across my forlorn girl.

Resigned to her imprisonment
Behind the hurly-burl.

So even with my trickery
Completely altering the scheme.

It's still my face that's mirrored back
Trapped within the scene.

Preparing for what must be done
Should something wicked this way come.

The first image is a photograph that has been offered by @everlove for the latest collaborative art project.

Join this initiative, not to win but to just join in.

_Alter the photo or use it as inspiration or basis for a work, and link it to her post as a contribution to the collaborative process.



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