Doodle Doodledayeo Round 16. Rabbit, Time, Flowers.

I like to participate in @opheliafu's -

Doodle Doodledayeo

Doodle Doodledayeo

Doodle Doodledayeo...

Because she is good for me.

She lightens my scribblings.

I coined my drawings #bicscrawls a little while ago, because they were crazy messy scribblings that sometimes lead to darkish imagery. Almost always impulsively done with a ballpoint bic pen.

I don't mind exposing this part of myself, in-fact I enjoy connecting with it very much. But life requires balance, and a happy little doodling is definitely good measure for a morbid scribble artist.

I also like being given a prompt or topic, whether for writing or drawing.

Otherwise I seldom start out with any idea of what I am going to draw. The bic just does its thing. Usually I end up with some kind of demented humanoid self portrayal, not a portrait so much as an emotional projection of sorts, into a tormented face.

So I look forward to the whimsical Doodle Doodledayeo.

This week the word prompts art




It occurred to me to draw a fluffy bunny frolicking in a meadow free of the concept of time, or to indulge my mirror-girl looking glass theme and go the way of Alice and a neurotic time conscious Rabbit and his pocket watch.

But I could 't remove myself from the reality of the ecological devastation that the rabbit has has on the country I live in, Australia.

In 1859 a handful of European rabbits were introduced. Less than 100 years later there numbers had swelled to over 600 million.

One female with a little assistance from a mate, can produce a litter every 30 days. That litter can number as many as 12 kittens.

They are a serious pest and have caused considerable environmental damage.
There burrows destroy the very fragile earth causing erosion, effecting native plant growth and invade native marsupial habitats.

I drew the design of this doodle based on that idea.


I drew a single tiny rabbit at the centre of a mandala like flower. I then drew a swirl of many rabbits in a continual line. The flower also a clock face, is pointing at the eleventh hour, to reference immediacy and urgency.

On the right the flower has maintained its foliage. On the left the petals are replaced with a pair of floppy ears.

I think I maintained a light application, even if the interpretation is an incredibly serious one.

I am also learning how to plan and construct a drawing, rather than just mindlessly doodling.

Which is a bit amusing as this is a task that permits you to not be contained. But somehow I always seem to do things a little backwards.

Australian Rabbit reference.

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