INGRAINED but not entrenched. Collaborating art in gratitude with @everlove

I am excited to be collaborating from home!

Ingrained -

So much of what we do, feel and think is a result of ingrained repetition. While many believe that we are fixed and entrenched in our lives, I know that is not true.

I have scratched back my life before, earning every aspect and reinventing myself. I have done this more than once before, and I will do it again.
The things I have learned about resilience, survival, the goodness of humans, and the untruths of ingrained core beliefs, I don't believe I could have learned any other way.

Although I would not wish the journey I took on anyone, my experiences are not unique, and I am grateful for the lessons learned.

The simple things in life are such treasures once they are lost and regained.

After months of spinal injury, I am upright again and home with my family.

I am also able to doodle on this shared image, and sit at a computer.

Over the past months the various collaborations and contests have helped me immensely. A potentially isolating time was made a little less difficult.

Now that I am home I am dedicated to improving my health and wellbeing in every aspect of my life.

I hope this new perspective and positivity will be reflected in my future posts, I know that sometimes they have been a little heavy.

I printed the original image, rotated it, and looked for contours to guide my doodling. As always my hand, or is it my mind? Has found a dimension of human form.
I started with a 2B pencil and worked it up with a 4B and 6B. Once again I think I have over worked it a touch. But I'm so pleased to be back, I don't care to critique it too harshly. It's just so lovely to be participating again.

This is the original image offered by @everlove. It is a fabulous ongoing community project.


Steeming with gratitude.

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