Art room tour....

So I been doing a ton of painting lately ( lol nothing new) and I thought it might be cool to show where all this action goes down. Took some pics of my messy work area and all the things around. It might not look like it but I know where to find anything art related I need in just a few moments... hahaha I swear. And away we go.....

Here are the space canvas i'm currently working on, along with all my geek stuff hanging out on my bookshelf. As you can prob tell I love comics and really reading in general.


More comics...more arts....


This is a little set of drawers where I keep most my paper, and tape, and other random things to art on. The top is pretty much clustered with the pens I use most ...kinda sorted into colors etc..


Been saving most the stencils I made, they come in super handy for different projects all the time. Had a hard time keeping them intact, so I thought this might be the best way....


This is actually on my desk next to my computer... this is most the stuff I use everyday... or every other day haha...


And here's a little bit of the next canvas i'm working on...


Hope you all enjoyed a little journey thru my clutter...
Instagram: @Cardboart

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