🎨 Progress of my painting "Gynoid V (Failure)"

To make the mind more stupid and dull, ideals and conclusions are invented and spread around. All forms of sensations, however refined or gross, cultivate resistance and a withering away. Sensitivity is the dying to every residue of sensation; to be sensitive, utterly and intensely, to a flower, to a person, to a smile, is to have no scar of memory, for every scar destroys sensitivity. To be aware of every sensation, feeling, thought as it arises, from moment to moment, choicelessly, is to be free from scars, never allowing a scar to be formed. Sensations, feelings, thoughts are always partial, fragmentary and destructive. Sensitivity is a total of body, mind and heart.

-- Jiddu Krishnamurti's Notebook

Gynoid V (Failure), 2011
Acrylic on fiberboard
30 x 50 cm / 11.81 x 19.69 in

The Progress


A cross-faded slide show of the progress can be seen on this page:

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