Build your paradise - Digital Drawing | Entry for ART EXPLOSION WEEK 45

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I know you've ever heard of paradise; some say it's about heaven, where you're going to meet the angels and enjoy eternal peace; others say it's about the harmony you find in some places on our planet, about every beautiful landscape that shelters you and makes you feel free.

So I wanted to reflect through an illustration, what I consider to be paradise, or at least what I have built for myself, while it is true that I enjoy the wonderful places that nature has to offer, I consider that paradise is built by yourself, is that small physical or mental place where you can refuge from the world, from stress and worry, that small place where you can be yourself and express what you feel without restrictions. I don't know what your paradise is; but mine is in front of my sheet of paper holding a pencil, or in front of my tablet playing with the digital canvas and even sitting enjoying a good book.

So you can see inside the illustration, a beautiful landscape, perhaps not perfect or very well traced, but he is the paradise of that little being who is painting him, he builds his own world, where he is free despite not being perfect, because the world is not well drawn, but his world complements him.



Original Drawing@hadley4

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